Sol uest
Sierra High Country SolJourn,
July 29th to August 3rd, 2017
Build Confidence...Develop Inner Resources...Have Unforgettable Adventures...
Have Fun Bonding With Awesome People...Get Inspired...Learn Wilderness Skills…
The SolJourn is about setting down the old and embracing the new, discovering the AWESOME that is waiting just outside your comfort zone, and becoming the strongest, most authentic version of Who You Are.
The SolJourn is an opportunity for YOUNG MEN between the ages of 14 and 19 to step into a new level of self-respect and self-responsibility while challenging themselves on a physical and emotional level.
It is likely to be the most EPIC adventure they have ever undertaken, and certain to reveal wild places inside and outside of them that they have never yet seen.
This Quest is a kind of Rite of Passage aimed at those who are making a significant transition in their lives from one phase or life-situation to another. We take them far away from the "known world" in order to discover and clarify their current life goals and develop the inner resources needed to achieve them.
The journey will take place in picturesque Bear Creek Canyon region of the Sierra National Forest this year. We will navigate the landscape as a team to find the famed Cirque Lake at over 10,000 ft. elevation before taking on the most challenging landscape of all: the inner wilds.
Each participant will be given the opportunity to spend up to 24 hours alone in the land, separated from his companions and mentors by a short, but isolating distance. The Sol-Journ experience is a mini Vision Quest that invariably sharpens and empowers the Quester, while dramatically increasing self-awareness. Every phase of the SolJourn will be supported by group integration processes and punctuated by journaling and introspection time, while also including way too much FUN!
Check out this video to get a taste of the SolJourn.